Texas Clean Energy Scorecard
How Does your Utility Grade
Octopus Energy (formerly Brilliant Energy, LLC) (REP)
Serves 6,420 customers, $11,736.00 of sales and provides 112 GWhs of electricity per year. 6,420 are residentialthat on average consume 152 kWh of electricity per month per household.
Octopus Energy, a British Company, is a retail electric provider with all electricity sources from 100% Renewable energy. They do not offer community solar programs, but do offer to purchase solar excess energy and do offer programs to reduce energy use through the use of smart thermostats. They recently began operations in Texas by purchasing Brilliant Energy, and have been leaders on promoting demand response.
Take Action: Tell your energy provider to do more to invest in clean energy programs.
Distribution Companies

If you are in a competitive area, you choose a Retail Electric Provider such as those above, but one of these Transmission and Distribution Utilities will actually provide the electricity over wires they own in the area.
Don't see your distribution company? Let us know